The transversal management of municipal development cooperation strategies


Municipal public managers in the field of development cooperation have long been giving thought to the need for a broader approach to this policy, to foster the involvement of other areas and departments, and become transversal and city-wide. The highly complex nature of the challenges facing humanity today, and which were brought to light by the 2030 Agenda, has underscored the need to approach the state of affairs in a multidimensional manner and, therefore, from different areas of local government, while striving to make cooperation a more strategic and coherent policy.

Nevertheless, what does it mean for a cooperation to be transversal? Why is it important to move towards the transversalisation of development cooperation strategies? What elements need to be taken into account for the transversal management of this municipal policy? This resource that we are putting forward, aimed primarily at those responsible for cooperation and international relations along with those with more strategic competencies within the local organisation, seeks to respond to these questions in a practical manner.
